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Status Updates posted by akidnamedcurt

  1. Watching Jackass 3.5, crying real tears over here!!!

  2. Nice! I knew you would agree RT @jqlyric: Yessir so far your opinion is correct RT @aKiDnamedCuRT @jqlyric You bumpin it yet?

  3. Can I get Aladdin or Lion King in HD??

  4. lmao! yall 2 weeks apart right? or 1 week? RT @iDMonetC: for my bday trick?! @craziedBERD

  5. My review on the Cole World album releasing 7AM CST 9/27

  6. So is Charles Hamilton really back?? Dude is nice, don't get me wrong yet until he release an album he will just be another dude...

  7. Looks like I may be up for the rest of the night since I slept majority of the evening. I may hit up Brothers Chicken

  8. You are pretty slow if you think Facebook is gonna charge... smh they make way too much money off Ads

  9. #yesssirrr RT @KiZZ_My_Class: Oh LAWD the Steelers fans are here Smh *logs off*

  10. RT @lovemesandy: I will die a happy lady.... They just just played Wally world at the club in new orleans .. Wally Wally Wally Wally world

  11. I ain't wanna see THAT! RT @Ambaaaaaa: Glad I didn't see nothin lol .... But butt!!!

  12. Gotta stop burning the candle at both ends

  13. I guess I thats why I have brown eyes RT @sp0ttie_Ottie: I think #oomf is full of shit..

  14. Black low top Forces w/ tha gum bottom... what you know bout them?

  15. Yes! @kanYeBreast is hilarious! RT @OohAyeRenee: @aKiDnamedCuRT oh lord. you got the funniest woman on my tl following you. niiice.

  16. #twitterlies RT @King_Cizzle: @aKiDnamedCuRT mad some chicken alfredo last night....#ItsBettaThanCurt's

  17. God bless the women that can hold Patron

  18. I know you on that Cole World, have you bumped that Phonte tho? RT @I_B_Kasper: hmm need some good music to get me motivated....

  19. Its an open invite RT @encore_mieux: hate when the restroom is being used & the door is open .

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