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Status Updates posted by akidnamedcurt

  1. Lol really tho?? RT @HypnotEYEZed: S/o to all the teddy bears on my Tl @grandpumbatevo, @AKidNamedCurt,& @FATBOIFRSH

  2. Looks like I may be up for the rest of the night since I slept majority of the evening. I may hit up Brothers Chicken

  3. Me, im bout to pull up at work RT @Je_Suis_B: IS ANYBODY UP???????

  4. Mos def did ma RT @Pretty_Eyes89: I hope my sweetie had a wonderful birthday yesterday.. @AKidNamedCurt !!!

  5. My review on the Cole World album releasing 7AM CST 9/27

  6. Name 3 songs sampled Debarge's "A Dream"

  7. Nice! I knew you would agree RT @jqlyric: Yessir so far your opinion is correct RT @aKiDnamedCuRT @jqlyric You bumpin it yet?

  8. Not unless you share w/ me ( ._.) RT @PKaay_lOve: Am I fat because I had Zaxby's yesterday and I want it again today ?!?

  9. Photo: Working man (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/bKUhdksp

  10. Power naps b4 the meeting >>>>

  11. RT @lovemesandy: I will die a happy lady.... They just just played Wally world at the club in new orleans .. Wally Wally Wally Wally world

  12. She never answers Ley-Ley RT @Coleysia: @craziedBERD I called you back!! No answer!

  13. Since when 'inbox' became a verb???

  14. So Fresh So Clean Music: Travis Porter "Bring It Back (Promo CDS)" http://t.co/W7mV8DI

  15. So is Charles Hamilton really back?? Dude is nice, don't get me wrong yet until he release an album he will just be another dude...

  16. Ssshhhh! Everyone already thinks o cant handle it lol RT @PaRiPaRtYpAnTs: Just talking to @aKiDnamedCuRT while he is playing with fire!!!

  17. That’s Haute: Patrick Williamson/Born Fresh Apparel http://t.co/gi5hOEh1 via @urbanham

  18. Watching Jackass 3.5, crying real tears over here!!!

  19. We need one freakin run! & We in there!

  20. Who ever came of with this mash-up for this @JColeNC "Lil Ghetto Nigga" video def understood my vision about it http://t.co/2StzZgHj

  21. Why am I not surprised the Indy is up tho??

  22. Why look at the date on the milk, then open it and smell it knowing it is already sour??

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