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Status Updates posted by akidnamedcurt

  1. I bet the neighbors know my name... I mean I've been here a few months now i'm just sayin

  2. Lol really tho?? RT @HypnotEYEZed: S/o to all the teddy bears on my Tl @grandpumbatevo, @AKidNamedCurt,& @FATBOIFRSH

  3. Photo: Working man (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/bKUhdksp

  4. Me, im bout to pull up at work RT @Je_Suis_B: IS ANYBODY UP???????

  5. Im curt.curt88 on both RT @UWannaLoveKe: oovoo......skype

  6. Ssshhhh! Everyone already thinks o cant handle it lol RT @PaRiPaRtYpAnTs: Just talking to @aKiDnamedCuRT while he is playing with fire!!!

  7. Why am I not surprised the Indy is up tho??

  8. Mos def did ma RT @Pretty_Eyes89: I hope my sweetie had a wonderful birthday yesterday.. @AKidNamedCurt !!!

  9. I haven't even had my evening nap after work as usual... I feel asleep kneeling by the side of the bed.... smh

  10. That’s Haute: Patrick Williamson/Born Fresh Apparel http://t.co/gi5hOEh1 via @urbanham

  11. Who ever came of with this mash-up for this @JColeNC "Lil Ghetto Nigga" video def understood my vision about it http://t.co/2StzZgHj

  12. "@humblebeauty: @ me tho...lol RT @aKiDnamedCuRT Ambitious Girls >" LOL dang I knew I was forgetting something

  13. #oomf didn't come see me today, wonder what happened??

  14. & leave me... RT @Ambaaaaaa: Can't wait to go to Tallahassee!!!

  15. Not unless you share w/ me ( ._.) RT @PKaay_lOve: Am I fat because I had Zaxby's yesterday and I want it again today ?!?

  16. She never answers Ley-Ley RT @Coleysia: @craziedBERD I called you back!! No answer!

  17. I'm bout to re-join you RT @Well_Styled: Smh laying in bed with my iPod touch, iPhone & an iPod, doesn't make any sense #TeamApple though

  18. We need one freakin run! & We in there!

  19. Why look at the date on the milk, then open it and smell it knowing it is already sour??

  20. After I get the car I want, I AM getting a motorcycle... even if some of my friends said they will stop talking to me when I get it...

  21. Since when 'inbox' became a verb???

  22. You raging against the machine when all you gotta do is unplug it - @phontigallo #CharityStartsAtHome

  23. Power naps b4 the meeting >>>>

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