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Status Updates posted by iDeezy

  1. Who's the hell's calling from that 613 number...only one way to find out.. -picks up- "Hello.." .. -beep beep beep-... #uggh..

  2. Beyonce Shows Her Belly.. Finally! And they got baby names in mind! - http://t.co/oGYmNLu

  3. RT "@TyDanelley: @InsaneDialect what can I say... Yall make some damn good chicken! Haha"

  4. I Am About To Release The "Snapback Season 20XI" Mixtape Cover! #UMSCtakeover #UMSCaliens #Toronto

  5. LOL... What's Deeper? ... A: The Earth's Core | B: The Atlantic Ocean | C: @TronzDaProducer's Voice #SorryFam ahahaha!

  6. And If You Tell Me You Don't Want It I'll Go.... http://t.co/xMeSD0D #SnapbackSeason20XI

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