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Status Updates posted by DJ SHADOW SLIM

  1. A humble request.. can I get drop from either one of y'all.. @RedCafe or @myfabolouslife - I'm feeling this record.

  2. Da amount of stress dat I go thru is unbelievable. No matter how I try 2 make people happy it never goes da right way. Wut am I doin wrong?

  3. Good morning people.. rise and shine!

  4. I ran out of fish food. Any ideas?? "Sure. Why don't you feed them kix! They won't know the difference." Why didn't I think of that!?

  5. I swear arguing doesn't solve anything but give you high blood pressure.

  6. I'm just curious, out of all of my followers, how many of you have kids and actually spend time with them? (Not just financially)

  7. I'm just curious, out of all of my followers, how of you have kids and actually spend time with them? (Not just financially)

  8. Just listening to some instrumentals. Writting..

  9. My shift is almost over. Just one more hour. 59:59:95

  10. Okay. I'm back at the crib. I great night. Thanks to yours truly.. lol. Now, its off to organize my library. This year its all about work!

  11. Quit smoking by saving a life!

  12. Still counting down.. 00:20:43:31

  13. Taking the public transportation I forgot how loud that people can be. Shut up!

  14. That record "That could be us" by @mainohustlehard is tough.

  15. This year I will not waste my time with any petty bullshit nor go out my way for somebody that ain't fucking with me. Happy New Year!

  16. Tomorrow. I gotta look for a new job. Anything in the I.T. field that anybody knows about? Forward information via tweet.

  17. Watching beef on fuse.

  18. Watching the Big Bang Theory online. All I need is a beer and some chips.

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