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GoDj CoolAid

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  1. FOR BOOKING / DROPS/ FEATURES : MANN214BOOKING@GMAIL.COM From the artist that brought you the single "FIGHT COME WIT IT"and one of the best mixtapes of 2010 "FIGHT COME WIT IT : Round 1" is coming back with that heat for 2011. The mixtape features Productions from BIG WOO (Gurrilla Muzik) and hits such as: - DICK HARD - - NO TATTOOS - - HALLOTOSIS - - DEM HANDS - - WANT FOR NOTHING - - MANNISMYNAME - We wanna thank all the DJs that have supported our movement from DAY ONE!!!For the DJs that are just getting on it, jump on cause this is a movement you don't wanna be late too!!! #DISSrespectful (NO DJ Version) http://tinyurl.com/DISSrespectful-NODJ#DISSrespectful (DJ Hosted Version) http://tinyurl.com/DISSrespectful :::LINKS::: MANN ON MYSPACE | MANN ON TWITTER | MANN TV DJ COOLAID ON MYSPACE | DJ COOLAID ON TWITTER FOR BOOKING :MANN214BOOKING@GMAIL.COM DJ CoolAid myspace.com/godjcoolaid twitter.com/godjcoolaid FACEBOOK: "GoDj Coolaid" G.O.M.A.B. Productionz GO DJs PARTY BOY DJz Mann Handle DJs Atlantic Records Elite DJs I AM A GO DJ Music Group, LLC. Account Manager / Music Coordinator --
  2. damn they closed my account but im gonna go through and service all yall djs and hit yall up with his new music. #SALUTETHEDJ
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