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Everything posted by Hennessypjames

  1. WASSUP HAZY IF U STILL GOT THIS REDHEAD KINGPIN SEND IT TO ME PLEASE SIR..... hennessypjames@gmail.com thanx burh
  2. hit me up wat am i doing worng to download this
  3. is that wat gets ya'll club as you say crunk ??? now dont get me wrong I do like it but my clubs arent going nuts wen i put it on .... an it seems more people want the inst... Not a good look but hey imma play it
  4. hey lady keep doing ya you know we got your bac!!!!! Im playing you in the club and we gonna need you to come threw and do some legg work shortly... be safe an keep workin
  5. Imma say this i dont like that and i wont play that at no if the clubs i work in... plus this to me is a song for the pop or gay clubs sorry i work nither.. Try it again.. an i live in florida we like ass shakin music but not like this...
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