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Status Updates posted by dman7913

  1. 2am my time and still wired. Jet lag.

  2. Back to buisness. Countdown til next vacation starts now.....

  3. Bought to burn up the road. NC bound....

  4. Cant wait for my turntables and other equipment to show up so i can really set it off in Kaf...

  5. Cant wait until i get back to my own room with my own privacy. This dude on the next bunk keeps farting. Was funny at first but now its getting old. I hope he throw those draws away.

  6. Club Secrets in Ocean City is the move tonight. Baltimore Ravens will be in the building. Vip status....

  7. Dont miss this sand and sand storms.

  8. Even though i fly back Friday, i can actually say this has been the best vacation ever. Still turned up.

  9. Happy Father's Day to all my fathers out there holding it down and woman that are supporting both roles. For my dead beats, especially if your child's still young, it's not too late to change your ways.

  10. If this applies to you then listen....Deadbeat fathers and crazy baby mamas. Got a challenge for you. Time to let whatever yall had between y'all or outside interference not interfere with your kids relationship. Mama's stop pushing him away because of your personal feelings. Especially if he is a good father and trying to be in that kids life. Fathers, its not all about money. Its about quality time as well. Theres always time to pick up the phone or come by for a few hours or other things....

  11. Im shocked and speechless at the same time. R.I.P Ernie. Summerslam will never be the same. 912 needs to do better.....

  12. Just bought a 2013 Dodge....U.O.E.N.O......

  13. Just finished a long run. Other than the exhaust fumes from vehicles, wasn't a bad workout.

  14. Just unlocked my iPhone. Granted its only the three, but it will hold me down until the 5S is released. Thanks mom.

  15. Looking like a blowout.......

  16. Meanwhile in Dubai...

  17. Poetry Night this Friday, June 14. Fest Tent. Depending on these flights, DJ Dman will be back in the building on the 1s and 2s. Another soulful night Leeggo!!!

  18. Rain, rain, go aways so i can ride today.......

  19. Ready to plan my next vacation. Caribbean area or Cancun....? Decisions Decisions......

  20. Reggae night tonight at the fest tent!!!!

  21. Rip Donk the clown.

  22. Rise and shine....Nevermind its only 5am in the morning. I got at least 2 more hours. (snooze button)lol

  23. Think I'm head downtown. I know something poppen.

  24. Top of the morning. Take advantage of this freeday on the Atl .

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