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Everything posted by yertoery

  1. I'm as thankful That I'm as thankful as it is possible for an uneddicated man to be, He knows as reads MBT Sale the nearc oi ail."Here ended Sailor Bens jam. which I have writtendown m nis own nomeiv worcis as neariY m i can. recall them. After he had finished, the Captain shook hands with him and served out the ale.As Kitty was about to drink, she paused, rested the cup on her knee, and asked what day of the month it was.The twentyseventh, said the Captain, wondering wnat sue was arivmsr at."xnen;" criea xuttv. "it's ten years wits MBT Shoes mmi mmef'" Since what ?'' asked my grandfather. c Sence the little lass and I got spliced I" roared Sailor Ben. " There's another comcydunce for you " On hearing this we all clapped hands, and the Captain, with a degree of ceremony that was almost painful, drank a bumper to the health and happiness oi tne onm ana Driaesroom.It was a pleasant sight to see the two old lovers sitting side by side, in spite of all. drinking from the same little cup.a battered zinc dipper which Sailor Ben had unslung from a strap round his waist. I think I never saw him without this dipper and a sheathknife suspended just back of his hip. ready for any convivial MBT Shoes UK occasion.We had a merrv time of it. The Cantain was in great force mm evening, ana not oniv reiatea ms famous exploit in the war ofbut regaled the company with a dashing seasong from Mr Shakespeare s play of The Tempest. He had a mellow tenor voice not Shakespeare, but the Captain, and rolled out the verse with a willThe master, the swabber, the boatswain, and I.The gunner, and his mate, ljovea man. jneir, ana ju&n&n. ana manrery. But none of us cared for Kate."a. verv srooa song, ana verv wen Sailor Ben; but some of us does care for Kate. Is this nan. sir." "Not at present, replied the Captain, with a monstrous twinkle m his eye.The clock was striking ten when MBT the party broke up. The Captain walked to the " Mariners Home" with his guest, m order to question him regarding his future movements."Well, sir,' said he, " I am t as young as I was, an:' i aon t cai mate to go to sea no more, i bfodoscs to aroD alienor nere. an' nug tne iana until tne old hulk goes to pieces.
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