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Posts posted by treetoursh

  1. splendid fish or feet

    The pirarucu (Sudis gig as) is a splendid fish or feet, long, with large scales of more than an inch in diameter, and beautifully marked and spotted with red.The lakes in Tory Burch Sale Brazil contain great quantities of them, and they are salted and dried for the Para market It is a very fine flavoured fish, the belly in particular being so fat and rich that it cannot be cured, and is therefore generally eaten fresh. This fish (remarks Mr. Wallace) with farinha and some coffee made us an excellent supper; and the alligators tails which I now tasted for the first time, was by no means to be despised. A smaller kind is that eaten, the flesh being more delicate than in the larger species.The sheeps head, or, in more scientific language, the Sargus ovu, is a favourite fish in North America, where it visits the coasts in large shoals during the summer and autumn. The principal fishery is off the coasts of New York, and thousands are occasionally taken at a single cast of the large nets used at some places. The fish, immediately on their capture, are packed in ice, and sent to the New York market, where they have been known to sell as high as

  2. The structure of fishes

    The structure of fishes of this family is peculiar:it consists of the upper surface of the pharyngeal bones being divided into leaves, which form cavities and ledges, more or less complicated, for the retention of water, very much like the web of cells in the paunch of the camel. This apparatus lies immediately under the opercula. It is closely shut in, and pours out a ceaseless stream to moisten the gills and keep them from drying up when the fish quits the water and betakes itself to the grass, either to feed on herbs or to change its domicile when the ponds grow muddy and stagnant,The ancient writers on Natural History were familiar with the character of these curious pharyngeals. Theophrastus, in his Treatise, speaks of certain of the fishes of India that come forth from the rivers at times, and then return to them again; and he mentions that they resemble mullets. The strange habit of the Anabas, which has received this name from its Tory Burch Outlet climbingpredilections, (anabaino, ascendo,) is well authenticated. M. Daldorf, a Lieutenant in the service of the Dutch East India Company, in an article in the Linn (Ban Transactions for , mentions that, in the month of November , he took one of these anabas fishes from the cleft foot-stalk of a palm tree, growing near a pond. The fish was five feet above the water, and was endeavouring to ascend still higher. Another observer, M. John, tells a similar story. The fish, he says, usually remains in the muddy bottom of ponds and lakes; but it will take to creeping on dry ground for several hours, by the inflexion of its body; and by the assistance of its serrated opercula, and the spines of its fins, it will climb on the palm-trees which are in the neighbourhood of ponds, along which drops the water that the rains have accumulated at their tops. (Griffiths Supplement to Cuviers Animal Kingdom. Fishes, p. )Though the gourami belongs to the family of fishes, having a reservoir for water to moisten the gills when they quit their ponds, it does not climb trees as the anabas, but only traverses the grass. This fish would be a most desirable Tory Burch Flats acquisition to our colonies. It Tory Burch Sale could be readily procured from Guadaloupe. It is as remarkable for its size as its flavour. It becomes as large as a turbot, and is equally delicious. It would be soon naturalized in our streams. The female hollows a little fosse in the edge of the reservoir in which it is kept, and there deposits its eggs.

  3. the pike of the ocean

    The paracuta (Sphyreena Barracuda), the pike of the ocean, has a Arm and palatable flesh, and is esteemed by many people. It proves, however, sometimes poisonous when caught in certain localities.The callipeva (Mugil Uza) is an esteemed river fish of the West Indian seas, which seldom extends further than the embouchures of streams or into the ponds and marshes. Chief Justice Temple, of Honduras, characterizes it as the salmon of the tropics; and indeed, it very much resembles Tory Burch Outlet that prince of the finny tribe in its size, shape, habits, and flavour. The flesh, however, is not red, neither is it so firm as that of the salmon, but it is quite as fat and infinitely more juicy and delicate. When cut in slices, folded in tissue paper, and lightly friedwhich is the only way in my opinion of dressing a fish, the flavour of which is so volatile, so smooth, so ethereal, that it more resembles an odour, or the rich fragrance of a thousand different flowers mixed and mellowed by distance, than an actual taste on the palatenothing can surpass it;to subject it unprotected to the fumiginous iufluence of an iron pan, would be the act of a Hottentot or a Tartar. Dressed in the manner I have mentioned, it would not have disgraced Olympus, nor offended the critical taste of theApicii, the last of whom would have refrained from hanging himself whilst a single callipeva remained in his fish pond. The callipeva is very excellent when cured, and it is often brought in, that state to the Belize market in large quantities. The roe of this fish is very Tory Burch Sale superior and almost equals caviare. This is dried and sold separately. I may incidentally mention that the large strong brilliant scales of this fish now enter into commerce for the manufacture of those pretty fish-scale ornaments, brooches, bracelets, &c., sold at the Crystal Palace and elsewhere.The Mugil curema, another species, is taken about Port Royal Tory Burch Flats harbour, Jamaicaand when large, passed off in the Kingston market for callipeva. The true callipeva or calipever, as it is indifferently spelt, is the white salmon of Jamaica, and weighs from to lbs. It is caught in the brackish waters of the Ferry on the road to Spanish Town.Mullet of various kinds, the salt water species being white, and the mountain or river species red, are one of the three delicacies of Jamaica.

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