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Everything posted by evansmith

  1. It was just yesterday when I felt that I was not enjoying the feel of my bed. Something was pretty wrong with it. It was not necessarily the mattress as I am always of the belief that the mattress that one uses should be of the highest quality. There was something else which was nagging. On more inspection I realized that the irritant was my bed. Its stiff property made sure that my back hurt every single minute I took a resting break on it. Something had to change. On further inspection and assimilation of information provided by friends, social network and family; I realized that the trend of adjustable beds was ushering into our society. This piece of information was surprising for a moment. I had seen the beds in various public and private hospitals but their existence in my bed room was slightly difficult to digest. There were many factors which were playing a part. It was not only about their association with the hospitals, it was also about their look. The ones I had seen at the hospitals did not have the sleek look that one would want one
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