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Posts posted by senselaker

  1. the representation

    Never have I seen the representation of so profound grief: yet the angels, with whom it is hard to tory burch sale associate the thought of sorrow, seem none the less angels ; for their countenances and attitudes are expressive, not of earthly weakness, but of heavenly pity and sympathy. Below are the four patron saints of Bologna, all exquisitely painted, yet not so as to draw off attention from the group above, but rather by the contrast

  2. been removed

    Into it have been removed numerous monuments from the Cathedral; old Roman tombs and sarcophagi have been adopted in large numbers; curious mortuary inscriptions and memorials tory burch sale ofvarious kinds, classic and mediaeval, have been deposited there; and there are modern monuments of wonderful beauty by the best artists of the last and the present century. The history of sepulture, and the various tory burch shoes phases of art connected with it in Italy for two thousand years and more, might tory burch outlet be pretty thoroughly studied within those walls. While the Campo Santo yields to Westminster Abbey as to personal associations, it very greatly surpasses it as to the diversity, and the artistical beauty tory burch flats and interest of its contents. The walls were frescoed by artists of renown; and, though they have suffered excessively from dampness, and in many places the outer pellicle of plaster has peeled off, the paintings may still be traced without difficulty. Among them is an invaluable and most expressive series of scenes from the Book of Job, by Giotto.Besides this group, the most remarkable building in Pisa is a little chapel on the river-side, dedicated to Santa Maria della Spina, which is a perfect gem of its kind, and entirely unique. It has the proportions of a Grecian temple, is perhaps forty feet by twenty, of white marble; and its entire exterior surface is so covered with statuary and figures in alto-relievo, that hardly an inch of naked wall can be seen, so that it loots, not like a building, but like a solid mass of white-robed saints and angels.Perugia is one of the most charming places in Italy. Its site is more than beautiful,

  3. been constructed

    There are no less than twelve altars, said to have been constructed from designs by Michael Angelo, and certainly, in tory burch outlet their simplicity, massiveness, and grandeur, worthy of his genius. There are also, in a profusion of pictures and stat-uaiy, many works of art that have an extended celebrity. But, while I enjoyed these, I was yet more gratified to see, still swinging from the same point in the ceiling, the bronze lamp whose oscillations are said to have suggested to Galileo the theory of the pendulum.Detached from the Cathedral, as is always the case in Italy, but very near it, is the Baptistery, which seems to me, though less grand than many others, the most faultlessly and exquisitely beautiful building I ever saw. It looks small by the side of the Cathedral; yet it is about a hundred feet in diameter, and a hundred and eighty feet in height. It is circular, and surmounted by a dome. In the centre is an octagonal tory burch sale white marble font designed for immersion, with four smaller fonts, adapted to the present usage of the Romish church, at alternate angles of the larger. From the centre of the largerrises a shaft on which stands a statue of John the Baptist. The pulpit in this building is deemed superior in design and execution to any other structure of the kind in existence. It is hexagonal, and stands on seven columns of as many different kinds tory burch shoes of tory burch flats stone. These columns rest alternately on crouching human figures and on figures of beasts. On five sides of the pulpit (the sixth being used for the staircase and door), are carved scenes representing the Nativity, the Worship of the Magi, the Presentation in the Temple, the Crucifixion, and the Last Judgment.The Campanile, or bell-tower, of the Cathedral, also detached, as is customary in Italy, is the celebrated Leaning Tower.

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