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Everything posted by skechers

  1. skechers

    The power

    The power The power of creating presbyters, they say, belongs exclusively to them. But this is a gross corruption of the ancient institution; for by their ordination they create, not presbyters to rule and feed the people, but priests to offer sacrifice. So when they consecrate deacons, they have jimmy choo uggs nothing to do with their true and proper office, but only ordain them to certain ceremonies about the chalice and patine. In the council of Chalcedon, on the contrary, it was decreed, that there should be no ab
  2. The power of nominating The power of nominating bishops, therefore, which jimmy choo uggs some princes have obtained by stipulation with the Roman Pontiff, has caused no new injury to the Church, because the election has only been taken from the canons, who had seized or rather stolen it without any just claim. It is certainly a most disgraceful example, that courtiers are made bishops, and sent from the court to seize upon the Churches; and it ought to be the concern of all pious princes, to refrain from such MBT an abuse. For it is an impious robbery of the Church, whenever a bishop is imposed upon any people, who have not desired, or at jimmy choo least freely approved of him. But the disorderly cus
  3. skechers

    And why should

    And why should And why should it not now be again transferred from them, who MBT Shoes not only violate all laws, but casting off all shame, mingle and confound heaven and earth together, by their lust, avarice, and ambition? III. But MBT it is a false pretence when they say, that the present practice was introduced as a remedy. We read that in the early times, cities were frequently thrown MBT Shoes Clearance into confu
  4. skechers

    When Cyprian

    When Cyprian When Cyprian declares it to be of divine right, that an election should not be made without the consent of the people, he shews that a different method is repugnant to the word of God. The decrees of MBT various councils most severely prohibit it to be done in any other jimmy choo shoes way, and if it be done, command it to be void. If these things be true, there is now no canonical election re
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