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DJ Tangaray

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About DJ Tangaray

  • Birthday 01/19/1978

DJ Tangaray's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Here is a remix for all you djs getting sick of playing the same version. Dance {Ass} ft. Young Jeezy & Nicki Minaj (NO DJ) DJ Tangaray Exclusive <object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='http://on.hulkcdn.com/static/embed.swf' height='24' width='400' id='4251215'><param name='movie' value='http://on.hulkcdn.com/static/embed.swf' /><param name='FlashVars' value='soundFile=http://hulkshare.com/ap-fc6opelvzn68.mp3&titles=Dance (Ass)[DJ Tangaray Remix].mp3&skin=sheep&dllink=http://www.hulkshare.com/fc6opelvzn68'><param name='quality' value='high'><param name='menu' value='false'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></object>
  2. The ladies in Detroit strip clubs fucks with Travis Porter heavy!
  3. Yes unless you are working for uploaded to and trying to get us to use it help a brotha out and use something more price free friendly us dj's live by if its free it will get a good try from me. Plus who has forever to download it this way?
  4. need that full service pack On this one Real Talk this is hot as hell. Why was this not the test single the single I got from E1 was trash this is Dope. djtangaray@gmail.com
  5. For some reason the dirty is not downloading properly can u upload it to another site. Zshare does that sometimes. Both songs get the money thrown in the strip clubs.
  6. Lady Bug still fine as hell to this day!
  7. Thankx this was the shit!
  8. LEt me know when you get the dirty version of Toot it up so I can blaze it in the strip club.
  9. I got a dancer that requested that I find this song.
  10. I'll give it a try and see what the kids think.
  11. This song is heating up in Detroit strip clubs!
  12. I Thought T.i. Was Rappin On This Version Awwww Mannnn! Good Look Out On The Instrumental!
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