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About deej411

  • Birthday 03/11/1980

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Haha i was just thinking i could do with some full tilt then wallah diseld has them here thanks dude
  2. xmix 142 Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: aa2df046b709bdb8b4eb68a902eb099c.rar Password" afterpre.com" 128kbs not mine just found it and passing it on
  3. Hey Guys Man the only thing i can do at 2am after drinking is eat some food then pass out. thanks DieselD. hey some tracks from the xmix 9are missing like how high by mehodman which id really like. it would be easier to say whats missing than posting the messed up links but still not bitching really appreciate what your doing thanks. DJ Lukie thanks for the invite dude really nice of you.
  4. HI Guys Big thanks DieselD for uploading the music for us all. I just thought id post a link to track listings for all the xmixs. If people want to know what tracks are on each album Bouznika Net : The Complete X-Mix Urban Series With Tracklist and a couple links were mixed up. not being a ahole about it just pointing it out. anyways thanks DiesleD again hey lukie where in nz are you im just out of Auckland Omaha beach.
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