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  • Birthday 06/30/1977

DJ_DIRTY_MO's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. i dont know about this in the lou i'll test it somtime this week
  2. some djs need to learn to step outside the box when they spin. don't limit yourself. i fucks with this in st. louis
  3. this is that hot shit we been waiting for need drop
  4. they on this tuff in st. louis i need a drop
  5. track is hot also need instrumental djdirtymo314@gmail.com facebook.com/djdirtymo
  6. email me i will send this to you. put in subject title i need that. djdirtymo314@gmail.com
  7. i never understood y just send the dirty or clean. this is a dj site we need all versions
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