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Ty Durden

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Everything posted by Ty Durden

  1. Attention DJs: Looking for a DJ that knows what a hot sound is and has a level of business sense to where he / she knows how to market properly. I already have my own online magazine set up, been on myspace marketing (over 17,000 friends and 50,000 plays), performed shows around the GA area & am setting up for other numerous major online transactions for record sales. All of which I would be more than happy to include this DJ in, if their job is done properly. I only joined this site to network. I'm not really about BS so I'll keep this short & sweet--- my companies are already making pretty good money online and we are expanding quickly daily. Now we need a method to reach the streets directly, as we know that everyone's not internet equipped. Hitting the clubs, the streets, even the radio if possible. This is NOT some lame sales pitch-- its real talk. If you're not interested, keep on moving... I don't have time to hear people bitch & hate over the internet. If you're down to get on something big and have the patience to see true financial growth, then get at me. If you wish to hear my music, it's at http://www.myspace.com/tydurdentoma. I've been rhyming over 14 years so I'm not a rookie to this, nor am I some schmuck looking for the next quick buck. The magazine is currently being renovated but it will be available in a week or so. But it's located at http://www.soulphoniks.com. Holla
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