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Status Updates posted by JBCabbie

  1. RT @LexiMaeWalker: The Christmas show I did with @gentrimusic and @byutv was nominated for a Regional Emmy and… https://t.co/Kv1Sa2DDsH

  2. Why You Shouldn't Listen to Anyone who says "You Can't" - http://t.co/XXT5TTyey4

  3. When will your concert your bring you to the United States of America? #questions

  4. Had a couple in the cab Friday who wanted to know all the best places in Richmond, I sent them to http://t.co/L6FQ1f4MyG, they got Answers.

  5. RT @itsboyschapter: That one person you wish you never gave your phone number to.

  6. RT @pattyduke_id: Tweethearts FB friends. As u know my wife, our beautiful Anna, Patty Duke has passed over. My heart is truly broken. S…

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