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Status Updates posted by STREET VINYL MUSIC

  1. Looks like we might have an addition to the #teamStreetVinyl fam!

  2. Various Artists - Street Files Vol. 5 Hosted by DJ L.A - @therealdjla http://t.co/FvfUimWw via @DatPiffMixtapes

  3. “@flairvoyant: Long hair, red bottoms... you know how it goes” that's a good look!


  5. We wanna bless @naughtybynature with a track for the new project!

  6. Check out the talented artists on the IndiePendent network: http://t.co/H0UFnygr

  7. This woman is always grinding! @JDMeverything http://t.co/3IsPtN6T Go check her out!

  8. Proud to have @TASK1ne on the STREET VINYL MUSIC MIXTAPE SERIES hosted by @dj_uneeq 10/31 is the date! Most rappers should take the day off!

  9. Shout out to the one and only @followDJLA http://t.co/sTs8xmac is the site! Now go check it out! Get your day started right!

  10. Artists: Please don't for get to breathe when you are in the booth. Relax & focus...You'll be surprised what it does for your delivery.

  11. Shout out to @MrHazMan who is being featured on the 10/31 release of the STREET VINYL MUSIC MIXTAPE SERIES! Courtesy of @therealdjla

  12. Bypass itunes & download your free copy of "DoughBoy" from the 2012 #RICKYSANCHEZ album http://t.co/88GSvgC8

  13. Hello GreenHitz fam! Thanks for the warm welcome!

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