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Status Updates posted by generalphlint

  1. INDIE ARTIST: Make sure to send any music you want Played on "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show" to (generalphlint@gmail.com) so I Wont Miss it. WORD

  2. At the Taco Truck with Homie with the Gators on http://t.co/Ab8XzNFW

  3. GENERAL PHLINT Dope News Daily is out! http://t.co/dYvcdULY ▸ Top stories today via @toshi_lol @deucetv @flintjournal @nerdapproved

  4. This dude just walked up to this girl and said "Wuts ur Name so when I Fantasize bout u Later, I'll know who you Are?!? In a MANLY Voice....

  5. Bout to Beach Cruise, you see me Out, SALUTE!

  6. GENERAL PHLINT Dope News Daily is out! http://t.co/dYvcdULY ▸ Top stories today via @tweetmymixtape @therealawest @djbrandigarcia

  7. SALUTE @JAYFGEETHA #np "SWERVE ON THE BITCHES" LIVE on "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show #BASEDGODFRIDAY (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/sLDtU1Y3)

  8. Bout to Head Out for the GENERAL PHLINT Photo Shoot! SALUTE!

  9. SALUTE @REBELLYUS @SNOOPDOGG #np I DRINK I SMOKE" LIVE "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show" #DOPETHURSDAY (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/sLDtU1Y3)

  10. YALL READY!?!?! Well LETS GO THEN! Bout to Be LIVE in 5 on "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show" (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/sLDtU1Y3)

  11. Make Bosses and Managers #2 and Your Family #1

  12. SALUTE @TITEWORK LOUIE #np "AZZ ON DA FLOOR" LIVE on "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show" #BINGIT #HUMPDAY (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/sLDtU1Y3)

  13. See wut Happens when you Show Respect, You Get Respect! SALUTE @MrStayCrunk Appreciate That Homie, This Track is DOPE!!

  14. Today on "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show" #BINGIT #HUMPDAY Playin The DOPEST Music Ever! LIVE AT 8pm pst/11pm est http://t.co/QY7Ppkff

  15. And The #PARTY WONT STOP! Whos Still Grindin?

  16. Its #TITTYTUESDAY & #PuffPuffPassTuesday Cool Lil Weekly stuff on "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show"

  17. SALUTE @SHEIATKINS #np "GET A MAN KEEP A MAN" LIVE "The GENERAL PHL!NT Show" #NEWMUSICMONDAY (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/sLDtU1Y3)

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